ANZ Newsroom

Expert Cleaning Tips from Professional Organiser Christine Krkach for Unexpected Guests

In preparation for those times when unexpected guests drop by, Westinghouse has collaborated with Christine Krkach, the Instagram-famous professional organiser and mother of two from The o.c.d by Christine. She offers her top five speed cleaning tips ensuring your home is always guest-ready in a flash.


  1. Effortless Oven Cleaning

To prevent any awkward moments with helpful guests in the kitchen, Christine recommends a cleaning mixture of hydrogen peroxide, bi-carb soda, and a dash of dish soap applied to oven trays overnight.


For those with Westinghouse free-standing cookers

like Christine’s, this method also applies to the easily detachable telescopic runners, guaranteeing a gleaming oven by morning.


  1. Clean As You Go

Christine’s motto, “clean as you go,” is particularly effective. She suggests immediately wiping down the cooktop once it’s cool with a simple mix of dish soap and water, followed by a microfibre cloth for a lasting shine.


  1. Prioritise Appliance Cleaning before surfaces

Starting with appliances like the microwave and oven, Christine uses a combination of dish soap and bi-carb soda for degreasing. She points out the convenience of the Westinghouse Canopy Rangehood (WRC924SC) whose filters can be cleaned in the dishwasher, saving time for other tasks.


  1. Dish Soap: A Multipurpose Cleaning Solution

Christine’s go-to product for a variety of cleaning tasks is dish soap, which she highlights for its effectiveness and cost-efficiency. Ideal for cleaning the Westinghouse cooktop and oven glass,

as well as scrubbing sinks, wiping down cupboards, and even as a homemade surface spray when mixed with water, dish soap proves to be an indispensable tool in her cleaning kit.


  1. Prevent Grease Buildup

To minimize future cleaning efforts, Christine recommends using an oven liner or foil at the bottom of the oven to catch drippings, a simple yet effective tip that aligns with Westinghouse’s approach to practical home maintenance.

Westinghouse supports these valuable cleaning insights with its sophisticated range of appliances, like the 90cm Electric Freestanding Cooker with AirFry, Stainless Steel (WFE946SD) and 90cm Canopy Rangehood, Stainless Steel (WRC924SC), used by Christine. These products exemplify the brand’s dedication to combining style with functionality.


To find out more about the range, visit


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