Nomination committee appointed for Electrolux Annual General Meeting 2012

The members of the Nomination Committee for Electrolux Annual General Meeting in 2012 have now been appointed.

In accordance with decision by the Annual General Meeting, Electrolux Nomination Committee shall consist of six members. The members should be one representative of each of the four largest shareholders in terms of voting rights that wish to participate in the committee, together with the Chairman of the Electrolux Board and one additional Board member.

The members of the Nomination Committee have now been appointed based on the ownership structure as of August 31, 2011. Petra Hedengran, Investor AB, is the Chairman of the committee. The other owner representatives are Kaj Thorén, Alecta, Marianne Nilsson, Swedbank Robur funds, and Ingrid Bonde, AMF. The committee will also include Marcus Wallenberg and Peggy Bruzelius, Chairman and Deputy Chairman, respectively, of Electrolux.

The Nomination Committee will prepare proposals for the Annual General Meeting in 2012 regarding Chairman of the Annual General Meeting, Board members, Chairman of the Board and remuneration for Board members and, to the extent deemed necessary, proposal regarding amendments of the current instruction for the Nomination Committee.

Electrolux Annual General Meeting 2012 will be held on March 27 at Stockholm Waterfront Congress Centre, Nils Ericsons Plan 4, Stockholm, Sweden.

Shareholders who wish to submit proposals to the Nomination Committee should send an e-mail to

For further information

Contact Electrolux Press Hotline, +46 8 657 65 07.

Electrolux may be required to disclose the information provided herein pursuant to the Securities Market Act. The information was submitted for publication at 10.00 CET on September 23, 2011.