Electrolux has received the Gold Class Award in RobecoSAM’s Sustainability Yearbook, an annual rating of the sustainability performance among the world’s largest companies.
Each year, over 3,400 of the world’s largest companies are invited to participate in the RobecoSAM Corporate Sustainability Assessment (CSA). Within each industry, companies with a minimum total score of 60 and whose score is within 1% of the top performing company’s score receive the RobecoSAM Gold Class award.
“We’re proud to regularly be recognized as a sustainability leader in our industry. We will continue striving to improve our performance in line with the priorities outlined in Electrolux sustainability framework – For the Better – and to achieve our goal of reducing our carbon emissions by 50%,” said Henrik Sundström, Vice President Sustainability at Electrolux.
Read more about the Sustainability Yearbook here, and about For the Better here.
(Note: The Sustainability Yearbook no longer includes the distinction “Industry Leader” which has been granted to Electrolux for a number of years.)