Electrolux in Poland helps bring clean drinking water to Sudan

By supporting the construction of wells for the people of drought-ridden southern Sudan, Electrolux in Poland – and its consumers – are making life better for the people of Sudan.

Lack of drinking water is one of the most serious problems faced by the residents of southern Sudan, an African country ravaged by civil war over the past two decades. Lack of infrastructure, poorly-developed agriculture, frequent draughts and floods make life in these areas exceptionally difficult.

Electrolux is partnering with Polish Humanitarian Action (PAH) to support the construction of wells. So far, two wells have been built, and by the end of 2010, another three will be completed.

All five wells, which are financed as part of Electrolux’s campaign “You help by saving”, will provide water for over 6,000 people daily.

How it works

Polish consumers can choose Electrolux dishwashers and washing machines marked with a “droplet” emblem: “You help by saving.” Part of the income from the sales of these appliances is contributed to the construction of wells in Africa.

The first Electrolux well was completed in early December 2009 in Malao, Bor County, Langbar Payam in South Sudan. Some 700 people use it every day. Another well is located in Chengdiek, Patuet Payam. It provides drinkable water for 800 people living in the area. More families with no access to drinkable water where they live now will move to the areas in the vicinity of the wells. The average number of residents per existing well in this part of the country is estimated at 1,700.

The construction of the Electrolux wells is combined with education of residents about the correct use of them. Members of the water committee have been selected in cooperation with the local community. They have been trained in hygiene, operation of the well and the most common threats involved in drinking contaminated water. Their task is to look after the well, and repair it if necessary. They have received a set of tools and replacement parts for this purpose.

By the end of 2010, another 3 wells funded by Electrolux will be completed in South Sudan. All five wells, which are financed as part of Electrolux’s campaign “You help by saving”, will provide water for over 6,000 people daily.


About Polish Humanitarian Action

Polish Humanitarian Action (PAH) is a non-governmental organization based in Warsaw. For 17 years, PAH has been helping people in crisis situations to become self-reliant and regain responsibility for their future. PAH aims to shape humanitarian attitudes and create a modern culture of aid in Poland. Well-building projects have been completed in countries like as Sudan, Afghanistan, Sri Lanka and Burma. Wells whose construction was initiated by PAH are in use by more than 300,000 people.

More information about the Water Campaign and other activities of Polish Humanitarian Action (PAH) is available at PAH English site.

For further information

Please contact Electrolux Media Relations +46 8 657 6507 or press@electrolux.com