The Annual General Meeting of AB Electrolux was held on Wednesday, April 6, 2016 in Stockholm, Sweden.
Petra Hedengran, Hasse Johansson, Ronnie Leten, Bert Nordberg, Fredrik Persson and Ulrika Saxon, were re-elected to the Board of Directors. Ulla Litzén, David Porter and Jonas Samuelson were elected new Board members. Ronnie Leten was re-elected Chairman of the Board.
The proposed dividend of SEK 6.50 per share was adopted. The record date was set as April 8, 2016, and cash dividends are expected to be paid from Euroclear Sweden on April 13, 2016.
The parent company’s and the Group’s income statements and balance sheets were adopted. The Board of Directors and the President were discharged from liability for the financial year 2015.
The Meeting resolved to adopt the proposed remunerations to the Board that were communicated in the notice convening the AGM. The proposal for remuneration guidelines for Group Management was also approved, as well as the scope of and the principles for Electrolux performance based, long-term share program for 2016.
The Meeting authorized the Board of Directors to resolve on acquisitions of Electrolux B shares up to a maximum amount of 10 percent of all shares issued by the company. The Board was also authorized to transfer own shares on account of company acquisitions and to cover costs that may arise as a result of the share program for 2014. These authorizations are effective during the period until next year’s AGM.
Full details on the proposals adopted by the AGM can be downloaded at
For further information
Contact Electrolux Press Hotline, +46 8 657 65 07.
Electrolux discloses the information provided herein pursuant to the Securities Market Act and/or the Financial Instruments Trading Act. The information was submitted for publication at 08.00 CET on April 7, 2016.