Electrolux at Leonardo Da Vinci Museum of Science and Technology

Electrolux is among the protagonists of the new interactive nutrition laboratory at Milan’s Leonardo Da Vinci Museum of Science and Technology. As a partner of the initiative, Electrolux has made appliances for both consumers and professionals available to the Museum.

Opened on February 9th, the new interactive nutrition laboratory (i.lab) at the National Museum of Science and Technology is already proving to be a great success – booked for the entire 2010! Housed in the heart of Milan, the Museum is a centre – the largest in Italy – for debate and research, a lively meeting place and an active laboratory where innovative cultural projects and management methodologies are constantly investigated.

i.lab Nutrition is the last born of a package including 11 interactive laboratories developed by “Leonardo Da Vinci” and committed to a large audience, made up mostly of students, teachers and families. It represents a real “transparent kitchen”, designed to deepen any scientific aspects concerning food, thus engaging visitors in exciting experiences that lead to the discovery and exploration of nutritional themes in a dialogue and atmosphere of exchange.

For more information, please contact Electrolux Media Hotline; press(a)electrolux.com or +46 8 657 6507