Annual Report 2013





The average number of Electrolux employees during 2013 was 60,754 (59,478). At year-end, the total number was 60,783 (60,590).

Employees by geographical area
LA1 Total workforce by employment type, contract

Full time Part time Total Full time Part time Total Total
2013 Indefinate Indefinate Indefinate Temporary Temporary Temporary All
Electrolux White 12,379 426 12,805 522 21 543 13,348
Electrolux Blue 31,554 1,206 32,760 3,641 108 3,749 36,509
Supervised 543 3 546 8 16 24 570
Total 44,476 1,635 46,111 4,171 145 4,316 50,427
The table ‘Workforce by employment type’ encompasses data from 57 factories, 43 warehouses and 43 offices. It encompasses 50,427 employees, representing 83% of the total number of employees at year-end.
LA2: Employee turnover by age group, gender and region

<30 years 30 - 50 years >50 years Total leaving

Male Female Male Female Male Female Male Female
Asia Pacfic 118 81 140 93 21 30 279 204
Europe, Middle east and Africa 685 245 939 405 466 169 2,090 819
Latin America 728 181 727 188 77 16 1,532 385
North America 448 202 626 232 209 93 1,283 527

1,979 709 2,432 918 773 308 5,184 1,935

Rate of turnover per total employees at year end (LA1) 3.3% 1.2% 4.0% 1.5% 1.3% 0.5% 9% 3%

Employee feedback

The Employee Engagement Survey (EES) is a bi-annual survey designed to measure corporate culture, team efficiency, employee engagement and leadership. The group-wide survey is scheduled again for 2014, including employees within production and non-production for the first time.

In 2013 the EES was conducted on a smaller scale, and included a pilot to gauge feedback from four factories, some benchmarking teams and follow-ups with constituents with low scores in 2012. With a response rate of 87%, the 2013 results indicate good engagement from the surveyed population and overall significant improvements in reducing the number of low scoring teams.

Employees and employee benefits

The CoC and the Workplace Standard stipulate that all employees are expected to be remunerated at levels no less than local minimum wage. Additionally, each operational unit is responsible for providing its employees with all legally mandated benefits to which they are entitled. These include medical and social insurance and pensions. 

Electrolux applies both long-term and short-term incentive programs to fulltime employees. Benefits to Group and senior management are described in the Board of Directors report in the Annual report. Incentives for the top 200 managers are linked to performance of non-financial targets in select few instances, depending on roles. This includes, for example, service call rates, quality and safety.


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