Annual Report 2013


Note 11 Other comprehensive income


20121) 2013
Items that will not be reclassified to income for the period

Remeasurement of provisions for post-employment benefits

Opening balance, January 1 0 -866
Gain/loss taken to other comprehensive income -917 1,851
Income tax relating to items that will not be reclassified 51 -636
Closing balance, December 31 -866 349
Items that may be reclassified subsequently to income for the period

Available-for-sale instruments

Opening balance, January 1 23 46
Gain/loss taken to other comprehensive income 23 -69
Transferred to profit and loss on sale
Closing balance, December 31 46 -23
Cash flow hedges

Opening balance, January 1 -36 -2
Gain/loss taken to other comprehensive income -2 39
Transferred to profit and loss on sale 36 2
Closing balance, December 31 -2 39
Exchange differences on translation of foreign operations

Opening balance, January 1 476 -1,056
Net investment hedge
Translation differences -1,532 -1,518
Closing balance, December 31 -1,056 -2,574
Income tax relating to items that may be reclassified -2 29
Other comprehensive income, net of tax -2,343 -302
1) Amounts for 2012 have been restated where applicable as a consequence of the amended standard for pension accounting, IAS 19 Employee Benefits.

Income taxes related to items of other comprehensive income were SEK -636m (51) for remeasurement of provisions for post-employment benefits, SEK 29m (-2) for financial instruments for cash flow hedging and SEK 0m (0) for financial instruments for hedging of translation of foreign operations.


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