Annual Report 2013


Financial position

  • Equity/assets ratio was 20.8% (23.2).
  • Return on equity was 4.4% (14.4).
  • Return on net assets, excluding items affecting comparability, decreased to 14.0% (17.9).
  • Financial net debt increased to SEK -7,673m (-5,685).

Net assets and working capital

Working capital amounted to SEK -5,800m (-6,505), corresponding to -5.1% (-5.7) of net sales.

Net assets and working capital
SEKm Dec. 31, 2012 % of
annualized net sales
Dec. 31, 2013 % of
annualized net sales
Inventories 12,963 11.3 12,154 10.6
Trade receivables 18,288 15.9 19,441 17.0
Accounts payable -20,590 -17.9 -20,607 -18.0
Provisions -6,697
Prepaid and accrued income and expenses -7,467
Taxes and other assets and ­liabilities -3,002
Working capital -6,505 -5.7 -5,800 -5.1
Property, plant and equipment 16,693
Goodwill 5,541
Other non-current assets 8,003
Deferred tax assets and ­liabilities 2,158
Net assets 25,890 22.5 24,961 21.8
Average net assets 27,070 24.6 27,148 24.9
Return on net assets, % 14.8
Return on net assets,
excluding items affecting
comparability, %

Adjusted for items affecting comparability, i.e., restructuring provisions, average net assets increased to SEK 28,915m (28,112), corresponding to 26.5% (25.6) of net sales.

Net assets
Net assets as of December 31, 2013, amounted to SEK 24,961m. Return on net assets, decreased to 14.0% (17.9). 1) Excluding items affecting ­comparability.
Change in net assets
SEKm Net assets
December 31, 2013 25,890
Change in restructuring provisions -843
Write-down of assets -1,967
Changes in exchange rates -1,467
Capital expenditure 3,535
Depreciation -3,356
Other changes in fixed assets and working capital, etc. 2,964
December 31, 2013 24,961

Liquid funds

Liquidity profile
SEKm Dec. 31, 2012 Dec. 31, 2013
Liquid funds 7,403 7,232
% of annualized net sales1) 13.1 13.2
Net liquidity 4,320 4,262
Fixed interest term, days 16 12
Effective annual yield, % 2.1 1.6
1) Liquid funds plus an unused revolving credit facility of EUR 500m and a ­committed credit facility of SEK 3,400m divided by annualized net sales. For additional information on the liquidity profile, see Note 18.

Liquid funds as of December 31, 2013, amounted to SEK 7,232m (7,403), excluding short-term back-up credit facilities. Electrolux has two unused committed back-up facilities. One EUR 500m multi-currency revolving credit facility, approximately SEK 4,400m, maturing in 2018 and a credit facility of SEK 3,400m, maturing in 2017.

Capital turnover-rate
Capital turnover-rate declined to 3.8 (3.9).

Net debt

Net debt
SEKm Dec. 31, 2012 Dec. 31, 2013
Borrowings 13,088 14,905
Liquid funds 7,403 7,232
Financial net debt 5,685 7,673
Net provisions for post-employment benefits 4,479 2,980
Net debt 10,164 10,653
Net debt/equity ratio 0.65 0.74
Equity 15,726 14,308
Equity per share, SEK 54.96 49.99
Return on equity, % 14.4 4.4
Equity/assets ratio, % 23.2 20.8

The financial net debt increased by SEK 1,988m as a result of the negative cash flow from operations and investments as well as the dividend payment. Net provision for post-employment benefits declined by SEK 1,499m.

During 2013, SEK 1,851m in long-term borrowings were amortized and new long-term borrowings were raised with SEK 3,039m.

Long-term borrowings as of December 31, 2013, including long-term borrowings with maturities within 12 months, amounted to SEK 12,207m with average maturity of 3.3 years, compared to SEK 11,005m and 3.1 years at the end of 2012. During 2014 and 2015, long-term borrowings in the amount of SEK 3,067m will mature.

The Group’s goal for long-term borrowings includes an average time to maturity of at least two years, an even spread of maturities, and an average interest-fixing period between one and three years. At year-end, the average interest-fixing period for long-term ­borrowings was 1.0 year (1.4).

At year-end, the average interest rate for the Group’s total interest-bearing borrowings was 3.2% (3.9).

Cash flow and change in financial net debt
Long-term borrowings, by maturity
In 2014 and 2015, long-term borrowings in the amount of SEK 3,067m will mature. For information on borrowings, see Note 18.


Electrolux has investment-grade ratings from Standard & Poor’s. In 2013, the outlook for the rating was changed to negative.


Long-term debt Outlook Short-term debt Short-term debt, Nordic
Standard & Poor’s BBB+ Negative A-2 K-1

Net debt/equity and equity/assets ratio

The net debt/equity ratio was 0.74 (0.65). The equity/assets ratio decreased to 20.8% (23.2).

Net debt/equity ratio1)
Equity/assets ratio1)

1) Both ratios were significantly affected from 2012 and onwards by the changed pension accounting from the updated IAS 19 Employee Benefits, see Note 1.

Equity and return on equity

Total equity as of December 31, 2013, amounted to SEK 14,308m (15,726), which corresponds to SEK 49.99 (54.96) per share. Return on equity was 4.4% (14.4).


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