Annual Report 2013


Cash flow

  • Cash flow was impacted by lower results and a negative cash flow from working capital.
  • Capital expenditure in property, plant and equipment decreased and amounted to SEK 3,535m (4,090).
  • R&D costs amounted to 2.5% (2.4) of net sales.

Operating cash flow

Cash flow from operations in 2013 declined and amounted to SEK 1,809m (4,779). Lower earnings and negative cash flow from working capital impacted the cash flow in 2013.

Cash payments for the ongoing restructuring and cost-cutting programs amounted to approximately SEK -603m in 2013.

Operating cash flow
Cash flow from operations and investments excluding financial items, taxes, acquisitions and divestments decreased to SEK 1,809m (4,779).
Capital expenditure by business area
SEKm 2012 2013
Major Appliances

Europe, Middle East and Africa 1,011 1,294
% of net sales 2.9 3.9
North America 1,771 855
% of net sales 5.8 2.7
Latin America 488 742
% of net sales 2.2 3.6
Asia/Pacific 411 267
% of net sales 4.9 3.1
Small Appliances 196 225
% of net sales 2.2 2.5
Professional Products 161 76
% of net sales 2.9 1.4
Other 52 76
Total 4,090 3,535
% of net sales 3.7 3.2

Capital expenditure

Capital expenditure in property, plant and equipment in 2013 amounted to SEK 3,535m (4,090). Capital expenditure corresponded to 3.2% (3.7) of net sales. Investments in 2013 mainly related to investments within manufacturing facilities for efficiencies, new products and production capacity. Major projects include the cooker plant in Memphis, Tennessee, USA, and the new plant for refrigerators and freezers in Rayong, Thailand, for the Southeast Asian markets. The cooker plant in Memphis is receiving investment support from state authorities.

Capital expenditure
Capital expenditure in 2013 including product development amounted to SEK 3,977m (4,567).

Costs for R&D

Costs for research and development in 2013, including capitalization of SEK 442m (447), amounted to SEK 2,739m (2,613) corresponding to 2.5% (2.4) of net sales.

For definitions, see Note 30. StopSearchHere

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