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Reporting Framework

UNGC Advanced-level reporting

Electrolux is a signatory of the United Nations Global Compact (UNGC) and its ten principles on the environment, labor practices, human rights and anti-corruption - and has been since 2002. Electrolux is also a signatory of the UNGC Water Mandate.

We support UN Global Compact

This UNGC Communication on Progress is aligned with the UNGC's Advanced level of reporting. Where applicable, the below table indicates where readers can find examples of how Electrolux meets best practice levels with regard to the criteria for reporting as defined by the UNGC. The left-hand column indicates their information requirements. The areas that are marked in grey italic text under each criterion are not addressed in the report.

Electrolux reports in accordance with the United Nations Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights reporting framework. A separate index has been created to guide readers to the relevant areas in the report that address human rights.

The 2021 Sustainability Report and the 2021 Annual Report reflect our commitment to these principles and the efforts to continuously improve performance. The 2021 Sustainability Report is third-party assured.

See the enclosed Assurance Statement for information on the scope of assurance.

UNGC Communication on Progress

Implementing the ten principles into our strategies and operations

Human Rights Management Policies & Procedures

Robust Labor Management Policies & Procedures

Environmental Management Policies and Procedures

Anticorruption management policies and procedures

Taking action in support of broader UN goals and issues

Corporate sustainability governance and leadership