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Better company

Responsible sourcing

The Electrolux Responsible Sourcing Program manages the sustainability-related topics throughout our supply chain.

The program is managed by a team of in-house professionals with expertise in supply-chain sustainability, social and human rights, the environment, and health and safety standards, and focuses on four types of activities:

  • Policy awareness and initial evaluations – to communicate our policies, conduct initial sustainability and risk evaluations of prospective suppliers, and potentially conduct audits as part of the initial sourcing decision.
  • Regular supplier risk assessments – conducted annually together with our Purchasing, Sourcing and Licensing departments, with a focus on suppliers in high (and medium) risk countries and based on our Responsible Sourcing criteria and sourcing data. The assessments help the Electrolux Responsible Sourcing team decide which suppliers should participate in audits or other activities. Prioritized suppliers should be subject to an audit at least every second year with follow-ups as needed to drive improvement. Audits are carried out by our internal team or external auditing companies. We also assess indirect suppliers.
  • Supplier capacity building – online and in-person capacity building initiatives. Training focuses both on creating understanding of the Electrolux principles as well as increasing knowledge of important sustainability topics among companies and individuals in our supply chain and the wider industry.
  • Making performance count – supplier evaluations and audits are used in formal sourcing decisions. Disqualified and uncooperative suppliers are subject to an escalation process. This process involves reporting serious supplier non-compliances and addresses non-compliances through mandatory corrective actions, as well as beyond-compliance support activities such as capacity building. Responsible Sourcing data is also included in the regular formal performance tracking of strategic suppliers, and improvement progress is monitored.