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Better solutions

Offer circular products and business solutions

We will proactively contribute toward the circular economy by integrating a circular approach into products and solutions.

2021 Highlights

  • Used 8,600 metric tons of recycled plastic in our products.
  • Continued our cooperation with Stena Recycling to develop a 90% recyclable prototype vacuum cleaner.
  • Launch of a "sustainable trade-in program" in Vietnam that enables consumers to have their old washing machine collected in return for a discount on a new Electrolux model.

Our Goal

Offer circular products and business solutions

We will contribute to the circular economy by integrating recycled materials into our product platforms, promoting recyclability, using more sustainable packaging solutions, increasing the availability of spare parts to repair our products, and developing circular business solutions.

Read more about our progress on this Goal.

Roadmap to 2030

  • Where possible, replace virgin materials with recycled materials in our products.
  • Increase the proportion of recycled plastic we use to 50% by 2030.
  • Reduce the carbon footprint of steel in our production, for example by increasing the amount of scrap-based steel.
  • Identify and evaluate relevant circular business models that can be scaled up.

The case for action

Electrolux has an important role to play in enabling people to live more circular lives through its products and solutions. In this way, we can help overcome population and resource challenges while meeting the need for a more circular and low-carbon society.

Population growth and raw materials

As the global middle class is expected to almost double in size by 2030,1) the demand for material resources will increase together with the demand for goods and services. For Electrolux, this means we can expect the price of materials such as steel, plastic and electronic components to become more volatile.

At the same time, many industries are based on virgin materials that are non-renewable and fossil based. For example, more than 400 million metric tons of plastic are produced globally each year and only about 12% comes from recycled materials.2) Pollution from non-degradable plastic is also a serious issue as it leaches into the environment.

However, there are opportunities to source materials with recycled content, and even bio-based materials from renewable sources.

1) The unprecedented expansion of the global middle class, Brookings
2) OECD Environment Policy Paper no. 12, 2018

The need for a circular economy

There is an urgent need to reduce the pressure on raw material resources and the environmental impacts associated with their extraction. One way to do this is to move toward systems that are more circular and ensure the maximum value from resources by recovering and reusing materials at the end of each service life.

According to the 2021 Circularity Gap Report by Circle Economy, only 8.6% of the resources used globally are cycled back into the economy after use. This compares to 9.1% in 2019. The report stresses the need for a circular economy that makes better use of resources to prevent further and accelerated environmental degradation and social inequality.

Consumers are increasingly demanding more circular products and solutions. This includes everything from recycled materials incorporated into our products and more sustainable packaging, to solutions that enable them to extend the lifespan of their products.

Our own research has shown that consumers perceive products containing recycled plastics to be more innovative, premium, high quality and sustainable.

Greenhouse gas emissions

Virgin materials cause considerable greenhouse gas emissions through their extraction and manufacture. For example, the emissions from the production of plastic in our products are approximately equivalent to the emissions from our operations and transport activities combined.

Recycled materials on the other hand can have substantially lower greenhouse gas emissions. This means that increasing the amount of high-quality recycled materials in our products can make an important contribution to combating climate change. Steel is the largest material we use by volume and is an even greater source of CO2 emissions than plastic. By sourcing scrap-based steel, we can make a significant reduction in our CO2 footprint from materials.

Emissions can also be reduced by extending the useful lifespan of our products. This can be achieved through promoting more circular business models or providing aftermarket services that ultimately make better use of resources.

Sustainable packaging

We are looking into more sustainable packaging solutions that are cost-effective and fulfill their primary purpose of protecting the product, while reducing environmental impact, promoting circularity and decreasing carbon emissions.

Our approach

This Goal involves working with multiple topics that contribute to our capacity to be able to offer more circular products and business solutions:

  • Overall material choices - we will choose more sustainable materials that are based on recycled or renewable raw materials and can more easily be recycled. 
  • Recycled material - we will continue to replace virgin steel and plastics with recycled materials in our products.
  • Spare parts & service, durability and refurbishment - we will broaden our offering of spare parts and servicing, to enable our products to be more easily repaired and extend their useful lifespan.
  • New business models - we will continue to develop innovative business models that promote circularity by making better use of resources.
  • Sustainable packaging - we will continue to develop solutions to replace non-recyclable packaging with recycled and renewable alternatives, and which are also recyclable.
  • Product take back - we will work to find ways to improve product recycling with a special focus on regions where there is no legally mandated product take back.
  • Design for repair & recycling - we will design products that can be more easily repaired and recycled.


  • Securing consistent, traceable, safe and high-quality recycled raw materials in sufficient volumes.
  • Ensuring recycled materials are incorporated into new product platforms.
  • Optimizing product lifespan in a way that benefits the consumer, Electrolux and the environment.
  • Finding more sustainable packaging solutions that protect products.

Overcoming these challenges requires strategic partnerships with partners throughout the value chain. Partnerships are also sometimes required to create circular business models that create common value for Electrolux and its partners.

The progress on our Goal

How we measure progress

  1. By 2030, our goal is to replace 50% of the virgin plastic used in the manufacturing of our products. 
  2. Work with our suppliers to enable the sourcing of scrap-based steel outside North America.
  3. Identify and evaluate relevant circular business models that can be scaled up.

Recycled plastics

The use of recycled plastic increased by more than 25%, from 6,800 metric tons in 2020 to 8,600 tons in 2021.

During the year, we formalized innovation design processes to better incorporate recycled plastics into our products from the outset. One example is our cross-functional Fabric and Dish Care Global Core team, which won the Electrolux Sustainability Award for their work with recycled plastics in 2021.

Amount of recycled plastic

Defining a path towards low-carbon steel

Work began during the year to produce a long-term roadmap to lower the carbon footprint of the steel we use in our production. Among other things, we investigated the potential to source low-carbon steel in the future, such as steel produced with natural gas rather than coal to reduce CO2 emissions. Recycled steel will be another important route to lower our emissions. 

Circular business models

We are continuing to develop and pilot a variety of more circular business models in our markets around the world.

In 2021, we launched a "sustainable trade-in program" in Vietnam that enables consumers to have their old washing machine collected in return for a discount on a new Electrolux model. Vietnam has limited appliance recycling facilities and we are working with a partner to ensure old washing machines are properly recycled. The potential for a consumer take-back project is also being investigated in Brazil.

Our fixed price repair services continue to be popular in Europe. The service gives consumers peace of mind by ensuring no hidden costs to repair and extend the lifespan of their products. Customer satisfaction studies have shown a very positive response.

Pilot projects with municipal housing companies in Sweden are continuing. The concept involves leasing large appliances such as washing machines to landlords with furnished apartments. The appliances are maintained and serviced by Electrolux to optimize their lifespan. 

The trial with the award-winning Pure i9 robotic vacuum offered on a subscription pay-per-use basis in Sweden with all service and maintenance included in the fee continues and is growing. The model is designed to be affordable for consumers and ensures that each unit is used to its fullest extent throughout its lifetime.

Partnering on circular economy

Circularity requires that we work closely together with our partners throughout the value chain.

During 2021, we continued our cooperation with Stena Recycling to investigate and better understand why working appliances are thrown away. This included a 90% recyclable prototype vacuum cleaner.

We also signed an agreement with competitors on developing a standard grade of recycled plastic for certain components to improve the market for recycled plastics.

In 2021, Electrolux became a member in Circular Sweden, which can involve collaboration on creating new circular solutions such as new business models and service offerings.

Next steps

Roadmap to 2030 Next steps Status 

Where possible replace virgin materials with recycled materials in our products.

Expand strategic partnerships with suppliers. Leverage experience from Europe in other regions. Create roadmaps with milestones on how to achieve our 2030 targets.

Increase the proportion of recycled plastic we use to 50% by 2030.

Focus on purchasing and R&D efforts to enable the introduction of recycled plastic in more applications. Improve and develop our communication around products made from recycled material. Add more aesthetic applications. 

Reduce the carbon footprint of steel in our production, for example by increasing the amount of scrap-based steel.

Continue to leverage experience from North America in other regions and identify suppliers of scrap-based steel outside North America. Develop a roadmap to source steel with lower carbon footprint. 

Identify and evaluate relevant circular business models that can be scaled up.

We will continue to identify and evaluate initiatives, and scale up the most successful.


  • On track
  • Additional effort is required
  • Off track
  • Work has not yet begun