Change in consolidated equity

  Attributable to equity holders of the Parent Company    
SEKm Share capital  Other paid-in capital  Other reserves Retained earnings Total Non-controlling interests Total equity
Opening balance, January 1, 2010  1,545  2,905  1,814  12,577  18,841  18,841
Income for the period  3,997 3,997 3,997
Available for sale instruments 77 77 77
Cash flow hedges –117 –117 –117
Exchange-rate differences on translation of foreign operations –1,108 –1,108 –1,108
Income tax relating to other comprehensive income –30 –30 –30
Other comprehensive income, net of tax –1,178 –1,178 –1,178
Total comprehensive income for the period –1,178 3,997 2,819 2,819
Share-based payment 73 73 73
Sale of shares 18 18 18
Dividend SEK 4.00 per share –1,138 –1,138 –1,138
Total transactions with equity holders –1,047 –1,047 –1,047
Closing balance, December 31, 2010 1,545 2,905 636 15,527 20,613 20,613
Income for the period  2,064 2,064 2,064
Available for sale instruments –91 –91 –91
Cash flow hedges 111 111 111
Exchange-rate differences on translation of foreign operations –228 –228 5 –223
Income tax relating to other comprehensive income –104 –104 –104
Other comprehensive income, net of tax –312 –312 5 –307
Total comprehensive income for the period –312 2,064 1,752 5 1,757
Share-based payment 29 29 29
Sale of shares
Dividend SEK 6.50 per share –1,850 –1,850 –1,850
Acquisition of non-controlling interests –9 –9 105 96
Dividend to non-controlling interests –1 –1
Total transactions with equity holders –1,830 –1,830 104 –1,726
Closing balance, December 31, 2011 1,545 2,905 324 15,761 20,535 109 20,644

For additional information on share capital, number of shares and earnings per share, see Note 20.
For information on the balance of each item of other comprehensive income within other reserves, see Note 11.