Case story ~ taste

Meeting consumer need through consumer-centric innovation

In 2019, Electrolux launched a new kitchen range based on deep consumer insight to drive premium market growth in Europe under the sharpened Electrolux brand.


  • Contributed to strengthened value market share in built-in kitchen 
  • Contributed to improved mix in Europe
  • Received 4.9 in consumer star ratings

Sharpening the brand proposition

During the year, Electrolux sharpened its brand proposition to specifically target the more progressive mass premium market. This has involved putting the consumer at the center to actively innovate products that offer greater consumer value by better meeting their needs.

Deep consumer insight delivers more attractive products

A deep kitchen consumer analysis was performed in Europe to fully understand the needs of the specific target consumer group. Electrolux held focus groups, home visits to see how people cook, gathered ‘voice of the consumer data’, and conducted virtual reality testing and hands-on Experience Labs.

This valuable consumer insight highlighted the need for more intuitive products as many modern products have too many features that most users have difficulty accessing let alone using.

A more intuitive premium kitchen range

During the second half of 2019, Electrolux launched a kitchen range of products that meet the consumer demand for more intuitive usability to enable them to get the most out of their products. The more intuitive kitchen appliances provide real-time guidance to the user mainly through the product’s intuitive user interface, which is easy to understand and use.

The new range has been very well received by consumers, which is significant as good consumer reviews drive sales. The consumer rating for the new Electrolux kitchen range was 4.9 at launch compared with an average of 4.6 for the range that it replaced.