About this report

Being transparent about how the Group measures, manages and integrates its sustainability priorities into its business is an important part of the annual reporting process.

Based on a materiality process, the Group's sustainability reporting focuses particularly on the issues most relevant to the company, and is geared to the information needs of different stakeholders.

The company has developed a comprehensive, three-tiered approach to reporting on sustainability, including this extensive GRI report. 

1. Annual report

Sustainability information is integrated throughout the printed Annual Report. Targeted to shareholders and other stakeholders, the focus is on how sustainability issues relate to the business strategy, as well as goals and performance. See also Annual Report Strategy, pages 48-49 and Operations, p. 100-104.

2. On-line annual report

The Electrolux annual sustainability performance review, Sustainability Matters, is built around the GRI framework for sustainability reporting and is an integrated part of the on-line Annual Report.

3. Sustainability strategy report

Future InSight is aimed at employees and business contacts, and is designed to spark debate and communicate how the Group intends to realize its sustainability strategy through integration, driving innovation and building partnerships.

GRI checked pdf

Reporting realm

This report is based on the Global Reporting Initiative (GRI) framework 3.1. It is in accordance with Application Level B, self-declared and GRI-checked to ensure the correct application of the reporting framework.The GRI Index leads readers to information on each management approach and relevant indicator under the areas of Economic performance, Environment, Labor practices, Human rights, Product responsibility and Society. There is no applicable sector supplement for Electrolux.

Where relevant, this report also highlights how the Group's priorities reflect its commitment to the ten principles of the UN Global Compact. Electrolux has therefore considered the UN Global Compact "GC Advanced" level for reporting on its Communication on Progress. An index of the UNGC's 24 criteria is included in this report.

Unless otherwise indicated, standard disclosures include all operations that can potentially affect Group performance. New acquisitions Olympic Group and CTI are not included in data collation.

Boundary of the report

Data has been collected over the 2011 calendar year. This report covers 45,036 employees, encompassing majority-owned operations, or 47 factories, 36 warehouses and 40 offices, in 40 countries: It represents 77% of the total number of employees. Staff working at facilities with less than 30 employees is not included in this compilation. The number of employees increased by 3% during 2011. At year end and with new acquisitions included, Group staff increased with 12%.

To compensate for changing structure, to improve quality of the indicators and to enable comparisons, data from previous years has been revised to reflect the current structure of Electrolux. For example, corresponding data from 2005, the baseline year for the 2012 energy reduction target, was 52 factories, 17 warehouses and 25 offices. Under EN8, municipal water value for 2010 has been restated.

Energy reductions performance was calculated according to World Resources Institute (WRI). Electricity emissions factors were updated according to the 2010 data set as published by the International Energy Agency (IEA). Wherever possible, Electrolux reports on its performance indicators covering the last five years.

The company's previous sustainability report was published in April, 2010.

External assurance

Third-party assurance of compliance with ISO14001 is conducted annually at all certified facilities. In addition, third-party assessments of compliance with the Code of Conduct is conducted within risk-defined regions.

For more and continuously updated information on the Group's progress and performance in regards to sustainability issues, visit www.electrolux.com/sustainability.

Or contact:

Electrolux Sustainability Affairs
Henrik Sundström
Vice President of Sustainability Affairs

Tel: +46 (0) 8 738 60 00
E-mail: sustainability@electrolux.se

Sustainability Matters was produced and written by Electrolux Sustainability Affairs together with One Stone.