LA6-9: Occupational health and safety

Manufacturing facilities are the focus for health and safety (OHS). As of this year, there is a group-wide organization in place to manage a global system for OHS. Additionally, targets were set for factory facilities.

Electrolux defined a year-on-year 10% improvement rate on the total number of OHS incidents (TCIR) for sites with a TCIR rate greater than 1.0. For those with a TCIR rate of less than 1.0, a 5% improvement rate applies.

Joint management-worker OHS committees

The Workplace Standard and Workplace Code of Conduct stipulate that local OHS management must live up to Group standards. To ensure this, an OHS Committee, consisting of both management and workers, must be in place at every facility. Moreover, the Electrolux OHS program, the global system used to manage safety, is built on engaging both workers and management in achieving objectives, monitoring performance and advising on OHS programs.

During 2010 and 2011, a new OHS organizational format will be piloted in North America.

The Group will conduct an employee safety perception survey in Q1 to define the benchmark on the effectiveness of its practices.

Rates of injury

The Group is improving on a global scale. In 2010, the global incident rate decreased by 21% while the number of workdays lost due to injuries decreased by 9%. See table LA7 Rates of injury

Education and training

There is sharp group-wide focus on training in order to prevent injuries and illnesses.

Global OHS training are ongoing including induction, CPR, first aid, driver-awareness, drugs and alcohol, and safe operating of machinery such as fork-lifts. A blood-borne disease program is scheduled to be launched globally in 2012.

OHS coverage in trade union agreements

The International Framework Agreement encompasses a chapter regarding OHS, stating that all employees are to be provided with a safe and healthy working environment, and, when applicable, safe and healthy residential facilities with meeting local law as a minimum. Electrolux and its suppliers are also responsible for taking appropriate action to prevent workplace accidents or illnesses. (See Case study (LA4-5): International union agreement signed)



Related information on

Workplace standard

Workplace Code of Conduct