Annual Report 2009 2 Financial review

Parent Company

The Parent Company comprises the functions of the Group’s head office, as well as five companies operating on a commission basis for AB Electrolux.

Net sales for the Parent Company in 2009 amounted to SEK 5,928m (5,808), of which SEK 3,243m (3,026) referred to sales to Group companies and SEK 2,685m (2,782) to external customers. All of the Parent Company’s sales was made within Europe. After appropriations of SEK 20m (20) and taxes of SEK 174m (38), income for the period amounted to SEK 3,355m (633).

Non-restricted equity in the Parent Company at year-end amounted to SEK 12,694m.

Net financial exchange-rate differences during the year amounted to SEK 455m (–171).

These differences in Group income do not normally generate any effect, as exchange-rate differences are offset against translation differences, i.e., the change in other comprehensive income arising from the translation of net assets in foreign subsidiaries to SEK at year-end rates.

Group contributions in 2009 amounted to SEK 45m (153). Group contributions net of taxes amounted to SEK 33m (110) and are reported in retained earnings. See table Change in equity.

For information on the number of employees as well as salaries and remuneration, see Note 27.

For information on shareholdings and participations, see Note 29.

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