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Annual Report 2015 Report by the Board of Directors Notes Proposed distribution of earnings Auditor’s report Eleven-year review Quarterly information

Note 12 Property, plant and equipment

All amounts in SEKm unless otherwise stated

Group Land and
Buildings Machinery
under construction
Acquisition costs            
Opening balance, January 1, 2014 1,182 8,227 30,124 1,960 4,445 45,938
Acquired during the year 12 112 1,027 143 1,712 3,006
Transfer of work in progress and advances 49 794 1,992 –8 –2,827
Sales, scrapping, etc. –6 –293 –1,145 –78 –105 –1,627
Exchange–rate differences 113 693 3,122 135 786 4,849
Closing balance, December 31, 2014 1,350 9,533 35,121 2,152 4,011 52,167
Acquired during the year 12 137 800 153 1,924 3,026
Acquisition of operations 3 2 5
Transfer of work in progress and advances 104 214 2,296 283 –2,897
Sales, scrapping, etc. –38 –279 –2,045 –92 –2,454
Exchange-rate differences –21 –210 –715 –80 39 –987
Closing balance, December 31, 2015 1,407 9,395 35,460 2,418 3,077 51,757
Accumulated depreciation            
Opening balance, January 1, 2014 165 3,838 23,090 1,361 220 28,674
Depreciation for the year 90 335 2,012 209 2,646
Transfer of work in progress and advances –3 9 –5 –1
Sales, scrapping, etc. –90 –352 –875 –66 –1,383
Impairment 2 6 –28 173 153
Exchange-rate differences 31 396 2,576 95 45 3,143
Closing balance, December 31, 2014 198 4,220 26,785 1,593 437 33,233
Depreciation for the year 27 315 2,396 223 2,961
Transfer of work in progress and advances 2 –114 –24 116 20
Sales, scrapping, etc. –34 –276 –1,967 64 –169 –2,382
Impairment 48 1 49
Exchange-rate differences 6 –88 –429 –60 17 –554
Closing balance, December 31, 2015 199 4,057 26,809 1,937 305 33,306
Net carrying amount, December 31, 2014 1,152 5,313 8,336 559 3,574 18,934
Net carrying amount, December 31, 2015 1,208 5,338 8,651 481 2,772 18,450

Property, plant, and equipment are stated at historical cost less straight-line accumulated depreciation, adjusted for any impairment charges. Land is not depreciated as it is considered to have an unlimited useful life. All other depreciation is calculated using the straight-line method and is based on the following estimated useful lives:

  • Buildings and land improvements 10–40 years
  • Machinery and technical installations 3–15 years
  • Other equipment 3–10 years

Total impairments in 2015 were SEK 0m (8) on buildings and land, and SEK 49m (145) on machinery and other equipment. The majority of the impairments relates to the business area Major Appliances North America.

Parent Company Land and
Buildings Machinery
construction and
Acquisition costs            
Opening balance, January 1, 2014 4 57 742 452 16 1,271
Acquired during the year 5 6 24 35
Transfer of work in progress and advances 7 3 –10
Sales, scrapping, discontinued operations etc. –59 –68 7 –120
Closing balance, December 31, 2014 4 57 695 393 37 1,186
Acquired during the year 20 179 13 212
Transfer of work in progress and advances 11 5 –16
Sales, scrapping, etc. –4 –178 –182
Exchange-rate differences –2 –2 –4
Closing balance, December 31, 2015 4 57 720 397 34 1,212
Accumulated depreciation            
Opening balance, January 1, 2014 2 55 599 318 974
Depreciation for the year 42 25 67
Sales, scrapping, discontinued operations etc. 2 1 16 –20 –1
Closing balance, December 31, 2014 4 56 657 323 1,040
Depreciation for the year 1 36 23 60
Sales, scrapping, etc. –3 –6 –9
Exchange-rate differences –1 –1 –2
Closing balance, December 31, 2015 4 57 689 339 1,089
Net carrying amount, December 31, 2014 1 38 70 37 146
Net carrying amount, December 31, 2015 31 58 34 123