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Auditing and monitoring

We have a number of follow-up mechanisms that allow us to monitor how our own organization and our suppliers live up to our Code of Conduct. They are used differently depending on the level of risk. 

  Purpose Criteria Findings 2016
ALFA (Awareness-Learning-Feedback-Assessments)

A self-assessment questionnaire filled out by line managers, to:


Check the extent to which units comply with the Code of Conduct.


Ensure that line managers are regularly reminded of what is expected of them.

Annually for manufacturing units, based on the key elements of the Workplace Standard.

Response rate:
All manufacturing sites which were operational by end-2016 responded to ALFA.

Code of Conduct audits To identify areas of improvement and ensure compliance with the Code of Conduct.  Internal audits of selected manufacturing units, chosen following risk assessments based on key elements of the Workplace Standard. Conducted 9 audits in China, Egypt, Mexico and Thailand in 2016. 9(12) of 22 (25) high-risk facilities (based on country-risk and internal assessment) were audited. Findings show that health and safety, working hours, environment and compensation are the areas where the greatest number of non-compliances occur. Local corrective action plans are followed up.
The Ethics Helpline A whistle-blowing service that enables bottom-up monitoring from employees. The helpline allows employees to remain anonymous (to the extent permitted under local law), without fear of exposure or retaliation.

Third-party operated. Covers breaches of ethics-related policies such as the Code of Ethics, Code of Conduct and Corruption and Bribery policy. It currently covers 99% of our employees.

The highest number of reports relate to abusive behavior and falls into ‘Discrimination and harassment’. See graph.

Internal audits Provides independent assurance. Evaluates the effectiveness of risk management, control, and governance processes by conducting operational, financial, and compliance process audits and investigations of alleged employee fraud. Risk-based annual plan approved by the Audit Committee; Ad hoc investigations of reported fraud allegations. Reported to Group Management and Audit Committee.
Employee Engagement Survey (EES) The survey assesses engagement, leadership, organizational capabilities and commitment to our strategy and purpose. It allows for external comparison with other high-performing learning organizations. Annual and group-wide, among employees in offices and manufacturing.

Response rate: 93% (87).

Electrolux has reached a record of 67% (64) of participation (our engagement plus index), reaching the external benchmark. The results of the survey are used to improve how business operations are managed.