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Annual Report 2015 Report by the Board of Directors Notes Proposed distribution of earnings Auditor’s report Eleven-year review Quarterly information

Parent Company cash flow statement

SEKm 2014 2015
Income after financial items 1,398 2,139
Depreciation and amortization 360 331
Capital gain/loss included in operating income 454 540
Share-based compensation 26 26
Group contributions 193 210
Taxes paid –29 –53
Cash flow from operations, excluding change in operating assets and liabilities 2,402 3,193
Change in operating assets and liabilities    
Change in inventories –57 –228
Change in trade receivables 242 –99
Change in current intra-group balances 3,115 586
Change in other current assets –204 369
Change in other current liabilities and provisions 47 338
Cash flow from operating assets and liabilities 3,143 966
Cash flow from operations 5,545 4,159
Change in shares and participations –473 –655
Capital expenditure in intangible assets –220 –259
Capital expenditure in property, plant and equipment –35 –212
Other –2,026 232
Cash flow from investments –2,754 –894
Total cash flow from operations and investments 2,791 3,265
Change in short-term borrowings –2,747 –166
Change in intra-group borrowings 1,004 2,720
New long-term borrowings 2,942 1,426
Amortization of long-term borrowings –323 –2,595
Dividend –1,861 –1,868
Cash flow from financing –985 –483
Total cash flow 1,806 2,782
Cash and cash equivalents at beginning of period 2,795 4,601
Exchange-rate differences referring to cash and cash equivalents –37
Cash and cash equivalents at end of period 4,601 7,346