Note 11 - Other comprehensive income

All amounts in SEKm unless otherwise stated

  2012 2011
Available-for-sale instruments    
Opening balance, January 1 23 114
Gain/loss taken to other comprehensive income 23 –91
Transferred to profit and loss
Closing balance, December 31 46 23
Cash flow hedges    
Opening balance, January 1 –36 –147
Gain/loss taken to other comprehensive income –2 –36
Transferred to profit and loss 36 147
Closing balance, December 31 –2 –36
Exchange-rate differences on translation of foreign operations    
Opening balance, January 1 476 699
Net investment hedge 284
Translation difference –1,532 –507
Closing balance, December 31 –1,056 476
Income tax related to other comprehensive income –2 –104
Other comprehensive income, net of tax –1,477 –307

Income taxes related to items of other comprehensive income were SEK –2m (–34) for financial instruments for cash flow hedging and SEK 0m (–70) for financial instruments for hedging of translation of foreign operations.