LA1-3: Employment


The average number of Electrolux employees during 2012 was 59,478 (52,916). At year-end, the total number was 60,590 (57,860). The average number of employees has risen primarily due to integration of employees from Olympic and CTI into Group compilation.

Employee turnover rate

See table Employee turnover.

Employee feedback

The Employee Engagement Survey (EES) measures corporate culture, team efficiency, employee engagement and leadership. In 2012, the survey was distributed to over 18,000 employees and had a global response rate of 85%. See Snapshot: Feedback foremost.

The results of the 2012 EES show that Electrolux is in line with and/or exceeds the external benchmark for employee engagement. Key improvement areas include continual performance feedback and recognizing employee performance. The next full survey will take place in 2014.

Employees and employee benefits

The Workplace Standard stipulates that all employees are expected to be remunerated at levels no less than local minimum wage based on legally stipulated working hours. Additionally, each operational unit is responsible for providing its employees with all legally mandated benefits to which they are entitled (i.e.: medical and social insurance and pensions). 

Electrolux applies both long-term and short-term incentive programs to fulltime employees. Benefits to Group and senior management are described in the Board of Directors report in the Annual report. Incentives for our top 200 managers are linked to performance of non-financial targets where relevant, depending on roles. This includes, for example, service call rates, quality, customer satisfaction, energy reduction and safety.


LA1 employees per region

Markerings text

Related information on

Workplace Standard