Sustainability Report 2019

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For Electrolux, being transparent about our sustainability ambitions and how we measure, manage and integrate these priorities into our business is an important part of our annual reporting process.

The 2019 Electrolux Sustainability Report presents the nine Promises of the Group's sustainability framework. Using the Global Reporting Initiative (GRI) Standards sustainability reporting guidelines as our starting point, the report aims to deliver the information needs of different stakeholders on our work with sustainability. The report is presented in two versions: an abbreviated, printed report (available in pdf format) and an extended, comprehensive online report (also available as a pdf).

Based on a materiality analysis, our sustainability framework - For the Better - reflects the sustainability issues most relevant to Electrolux and our value chain. In the report, we outline why sustainability is relevant to our business, our priorities and response, our roadmap to 2020, how we measure progress, and our approach to managing each of our nine Promises.

Annual Report

Sustainability information is also integrated throughout the printed Annual Report, and as a brief specific section. Targeted at shareholders and other stakeholders, the focus is on how sustainability issues relate to the business strategy, as well as our goals and performance.

Reporting realm

This Sustainability Report has been prepared in accordance with the Global Reporting Initiative (GRI) Standards, option Core, and has been reviewed by a third party to ensure the accuracy and completeness of reporting. The scope and boundaries of the Sustainability Report is defined by the GRI Index. The GRI Index leads readers to information on relevant disclosures as defined by the GRI Standards.

Where relevant, this report also highlights how the Group's priorities reflect its commitment to the ten principles of the UN Global Compact. Electrolux has therefore considered the UN Global Compact 'GC Advanced' level for reporting on its Communication on Progress. An index of the UNGC's 24 criteria is included in this report.

We are in an ongoing process to increase transparency on managing human rights related issues by responding to the disclosure requirements of the United Nations Guiding Principles Reporting Framework. We will continue to develop our reporting in the future.

Unless otherwise indicated, standard disclosures include all operations that can potentially affect Group performance. Please, see section Restatement of information and changes in reporting for information on how discontinued operations are reported.

Electrolux applies the precautionary principle for managing sustainability and reporting as stated in our Environmental Policy. We use conservative estimates where applicable.  

Boundary of the report

The Sustainability Report is published annually. This report covers data that has been collected throughout the 2019 calendar year. At year end, the total number of employees was 47,379 (49,839) encompassing our majority-owned operations. This report covers 42 (53) factories, 32 (35) warehouses and 31 (46) offices, in 31 (29) countries. This represents 86% (90%) of our total number of employees at year end. Staff working at facilities with less than 30 employees are not included in this compilation. The average number of employees in the Group decreased by 3% during 2019. Data for 2019 is excluding discountinued operations unless otherwise stated.

Energy reduction performance was calculated according to the World Resources Institute (WRI). Electricity emission factors were updated according to the CO2 emissions from fuel combustion 2019 edition data set, as published by the International Energy Agency (IEA). To allow comparability, the electricity emission factors used in this report are offset by a three-year period. Units using renewable energy have been defined as having a CO2 emission factor of zero. Wherever possible, Electrolux reports on its performance indicators covering the last five years.

Health and safety statistics are based on the Electrolux global definitions in terms of what constitutes a workplace injury and a lost day due to injury. All personnel within Electrolux manufacturing and logistics operations are included, as well as contractors.

Throughout the report, as data is presented as part of the narrative, 2018 data is presented in (brackets).

The company's previous Sustainability Report was published in March 2019.

Omissions from GRI Standards

GRI 201-1 Direct economic value generated and distributed: Only distribution of direct economic value reported in percentages.

GRI 205-2 Communication and training about anti-corruption: Only number of employees trained reported.

GRI 301-2 Recycled input materials used: Disclosure is aligned with internally used key performance indicator for recycled plastics used.

GRI 303-4 Water discharge: Where locations lack measurement instruments for discharge water, data is based on engineering estimates.

GRI 306-2 Waste is reported in line with the Electrolux program Zero Waste to Landfill. Only two years are available. The focus in 2019 has been on finished goods factories. Component factories and warehouses will be included in 2020.

GRI 401-1 New employee hires and employee turnover: New hire data is not consolidated at Group level. No total numbers nor breakdown on age groups are reported, only percentages.

GRI 403-9 Work related injuries: Contractors included in injury statistic. No separate report for this category. Workplace hazards are not consolidated at Group level. Personell working in office locations excluded

GRI 404-1 Average hours of training per year per employee: Training hours only cover white collar employee categories. No data for gender specific training hours.

GRI 405-1 Diversity of governance bodies and employees: No breakdown by age group is reported.

GRI 412-2 Employee training on human rights policies or procedures: Only the number of employees trained is reported.

Restatement of information and changes in reporting

Business Area Professional Products will be discontinued in March 2020. Stated numbers are, where relevant, without discontinued operations or reported separately.

External assurance

The Sustainability Report (as referenced in the GRI index) is reviewed in accordance with the standard ISAE 3000.

Read Auditor’s Limited Assurance Report on AB Electrolux’s Sustainability Report

For more and continuously updated information on the Group's progress and performance in terms of sustainability issues, visit:

Or contact:
Electrolux Sustainability Affairs
Henrik Sundström
Vice President of Sustainability Affairs
Tel: +46 (0) 8 738 60 00


Electrolux is a leading global appliance company that has shaped living for the better for more than 100 years. We reinvent taste, care and wellbeing experiences for millions of people around the world, always striving to be at the forefront of sustainability in society through our solutions and operations. Under our brands, including Electrolux, AEG and Frigidaire, we sell approximately 60 million household products in approximately 120 markets every year. In 2019 Electrolux had sales of SEK 119 billion and employed 49,000 people around the world.

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