New washer breaks all limits: Time to revise energy label system

Energy labels on household appliances have stimulated manufacturers to improve energy efficiency on many products. But energy label systems can’t keep pace with technological development anymore. The new Electrolux/AEG washer surpasses the EU top energy rating A+++ by a whole 50%.

“It is time for a major revision of the energy labeling system in the EU”, says Henrik Sundström, head of Electrolux Sustainability Affairs.

“The current system where manufacturers have to add more and more plus-signs to the labels will be increasingly confusing for consumers. There are smarter ways to help consumers to make sustainable choices when they buy appliances.”

The latest example of products that go through the labelling-roof is the Electrolux/AEG Ökomix washing machine, which achieves 50% energy savings in comparison with a normal A+++ model. It also delivers excellent washing results at low temperatures, safeguarding colors and fibers.

All this is made possible thanks to a new inverter motor and OptiSense washing system, which automatically tailors the program cycle to adapt washing time to suit the actual load.

Product facts:

The Electrolux/AEG ÖkoMix washing machine is unique with a shorter cycle-time of up to 40% than any other A+++-50% machine on the market, when using the energy saving program. In addition, it is the only machine with a 9-kg capacity that can claim this efficiency (all others have 8-kg capacity or less).

Conventional washing machines mix water and detergent together with the laundry, which means detergent takes a long time to dissolve and detergent stains can be left on darker laundry. The ÖkoMix system first mixes the water and the detergent in a separate system to create a concentrated wash solution. The DirectSpray system injects the wash solution evenly and directly into the drum.